Saturday, March 15, 2008

As good as it gets

Spoiled Daughter

I'm not saying my 13 year old daughter is spoiled but... After the school swimming sports I received a phone call from her asking if I would go to the McDonald's Drive Thru and get her and her friends some food and drinks.

Thing is, she was inside McDonald's and the que was too long for her to be bothered waiting and she thought I should swing by and make a delivery - and then clear off of course.
BTW - The picture is apparently an ad for a McDonald's store opening in India.

I tell my daughter to study hard and get a very good job because she is gonna need servants - seriously!

My new Web Site

I have just finished my new web site selling Ugg Australia Ugg Boots. I am excited about the software I used provided by Let me know if you want to start your own shop. It is cheap and easy to do.

Tip of the Week - Grocery Online

I do my grocery shopping online and some people find this daunting.

My top suggestion is to keep the dockets from the last few times you (physically) visited the grocery store and use them as a prompt so you can navigate the system with greater ease.

After you have created your list you can refer back as a record is kept on the web site.

My favorite things.

If Oprah can have her favorite things then so can I.
Today's contribution is ZIP LOCK BAGS.

I have them in every size from tiny to huge. Why? because I can!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm not saying I'm lazy but....

When my kids were a bit younger they went for a weekend to their nana's, who is a fantastic homemaker and cook. When they returned (clothes mended and ironed, faces washed) they were excited to tell me that they learned a new way to make mash pototo.

"First you get a pototo...."

Monday, March 3, 2008

What I want my VIP card to do

I have a purse full of VIP and loyalty cards, don't we all.? But what I want my VIP card to do is give me access to a VIP bathroom. Really. These mega stores are great and I quite like a trip to Spotlight but my dream is to be able to use the card to go to the loo.
Having worked as manager in a large department store the reason that stores no longer offer an public loo is that the druggies get in there and make a mess. I suggest that stores have a swipe card affair that lets the VIP card holders in which will maintain their security.

All in favour say Aye!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

My 9 year old son was trying to explain to his father that he lacked 'excitement' - and he explained it thus:

"You know dad, if mum opened an envelope that said she just won a million dollars she'd say "wow I just won a million dollars ,lets go on a holiday or something". But if you (dad) opened the same envelope you would say, "Oh look at that I just won a little over $20,000."