Friday, February 29, 2008

Mum Entrepreneurs.

I was just watching the Rachel Ray Show and they were highlighting Mum or 'Mom' entrepreneurs.

I am a mum and an entrepreneur. I have run several successful (whatever that means) businesses and now running a business from home that is pushing the million dollar mark. I never think of myself as being successful only that I am never as successful as I think I should be. It is only talking to other mothers that I realize how good I've got it. I barely do any work and I make enough to stay home and live a good life.

A few days a month I assist a consultant to make appointments with export businesses in Melbourne - and we go see clients together. So I get to meet lots of business people and see lots of interesting things, successes and failures.

Here are some observations

Many people start out with a less than stunning core idea - but that does not mean that they are going to be a failure it just means that they will spend longer getting there.

Most people don't ask the stupid questions - for example someone I saw recently 'invented' a product for the nail salon industry. They had made 10,000 samples and designed packaging and so on, they had legal advice and spend a great deal of money to get to that point. It took me less than 30 mins on Google to find that there was already the same concept out there with more features and done much better.

A lot of people waste a lot of time with people who placate them but don't offer anything to the bottom line (more on this on another post).

Most people are keen to get good business advice but very few have found it and that is why they are usually excited to meet me. Most people in business are too busy and to isolated to meet other people in business who are successful. Consultants generally offer little value because - and this might be harsh - those who can do - those who can't become consultants. I try to be as open as I can with information for the people I see, but like everyone who has their own business, I am too busy to help them implement.

My best advice.

Start with a great idea not just a good idea and research the hell out of it.

You can do a lot of good for your business by networking with other business people - and you can do a lot of that on line these days. Note: I contacted Guy Kawasaki about and idea and blow me down he sent me a reply.

Ask yourself, could you be making more money sitting on your arse? - there is big money to be made on the internet - A Byron Bay bikini maker sold over $7 million of the little Lycra buggers on-line last year. Watch this it changed my life.

Ask stupid questions - ask everybody - ask for help - be cheeky.

Protect yourself at

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Love This Quote

"We don't have a plan so nothing can go wrong". Spike Milligan

Why Hillary Must Win

I watch a lot of TV - Oprah, The View - I make no apology.

Having visited America a number (5) times I am always fascinated with the so called 'race debate' that I hear reference to ad nauseum on these shows.

It's funny to me because my experience is that the oppressed have become the oppressors. I see many Hispanics doing the worst jobs, by that I mean the lowest paid jobs and I see many blacks (I hate the term African Americans - because when they migrate to Australia are we to call them African American Australians???) doing better paid jobs or with Hispanics working for them. Still I didn't see too many 'whites' doing hard graft!

I do digress...

Is it time for a black president? - or is it time for a woman president? - this is the question that these shows are debating. And I feel physically ill. For Christ's sake are you fucking kidding me.

It may surprise many outside of the US to know that African Americans make up less than 13% of the population (link) in the U.S. (a smaller % in the world).

Here we get the impression that the % is a lot higher because we hear so much about it and see a high representation of African American's on our T.V.'s.

The president is the most powerful person the the world playing a pivotal role in affairs world wide - and to the world outside of the US - his (or her) skin colour means little or nothing. So to vote for Obama because he is black is insulting to the rest of us and should be to him and all Americans.

Women make up more than 50% of the population (of the world) and are the most oppressed of all the people, are the most poverty stricken of all the people, many woman have no voice and I'm talking about woman in every colour!

Isn't it about time a fucking woman was the most powerful person in the world and that our daughters will see it is possible to be taken seriously and be respected.

Oh and by the way - Clinton is the most qualified and the most experienced candidate.

So if you meet a yank - let them know OK!

I'm sorry - in advance!

Welcome to my first blog entry.

I'd like to apologize in advance for my spelling and grammar. I'd also like to apologize for the fact that, from time to time, I will shock you, insult you or appall you but I am hoping not to bore you - because for that I would really be sorry.

I'm a mum in the suburbs in Melbourne - the middle class. My husband has recently changed his job to a profession he is most passionate about and this has meant that I have had to put my own aspirations on hold for a while I support.

This means that I work from home now and why I have time for this blog.

I have two children the girl is 13 and the son is 9. Two dogs and a bird - More on them later.

I sound average - I'm not.